Simon Alexander Häuser
Personality & Potential Development


I offer personality and potential development as part of leadership and personality development programs for selected target groups in companies and for individual clients. I use outstanding high-impact approaches that facilite, accelerate and deepen personal development, enabling relational skills, self-leading skills, awareness, and authenticity.

Since 2008 I work as a freelancer within two professional disciplines: organisational development and personal development.  
These two disciplines inspire each other:
As a change consultant and organisational developer I dive deep into organisational cultures, structures, strategies, and the processes of their transformation.
As a personality developer, coach, developmental companion I support individuals to develop mindsets, skillsets, approaches and strategies to find their own unique ways and their coherent definition of their role – viable, 'functioning', and yet authentic and personally integer.

In case you are interested in organisational development, you will find my offers here.

This website introduces you to my work as personality developer.

What you want

You want to grow.

You want to change the way you find yourself in (professional, maybe also private) relations. You want to expand your relational abilities - being able to connect, being able to confront and set boundaries, to express and engage yourself, to precisely sense and effectively communicate, to cooperate and trust. Maybe there is a specific relation you want to proceed with. Possibly you want these relational skills as a foundation for your professional role, being it in a leadership position, a management or project management position, an expert position interacting with people, or a promotion path leading to one of those positions.

You want to change the way you find yourself in your professional (or maybe also private) role. You want the skills you need for it, and beyond, you want to feel yourself integer, genuine and authentic in your role - you want your personal essence to shine through in the way you put your role into action, you want to encounter yourself there, you want the way you live your role to be connected with your self.

You want to change the way you find yourself with yourself. You want to cope well with your emotions, the subtle and the intense ones. You want to find your way to soothe the effects of excitement and stress on your thoughts, your behaviour, maybe even your body. You want to change the way you treat yourself - may it be hypercritical or neglecting or aimlessly. You want to gain awareness and understanding of the patterns you notice yourself repeating, and explore new ways. 

You are about to make significant decisions - and you want to conclude your decision making process in clarity.

You feel the urge to be what you can be - you feel it is time that certain potentials of yours unfold.

You want your people to grow.

You are responsible for your company's people (as business owner, as manager, as HR officer). You want to enable your people to grow, not only regarding their expertise:
You want to ensure that your leaders and managers, your experts and performers, or your talents and high potentials feature solid social skills, relational skills, personal reflection and awareness.

You want to enable them to perform up to their potential.
You want them to know about their personal patterns and their effects on relations – be it collaborative or leadership relations.

You want them to find their individually 'fitting' yet performancewise effective definition of their roles.

You want them to be the backbone of your company's sophisticated, humane and functional culture.

You know that what you want is more than a 'training' can accomplish.

If this is what you want, my offer is for you.

What I do

Personal development is about unfolding a person's potentials regarding their possible relations, behavior, emotions, perceptions, abilities.
In any case, the person is seen in their uniqueness and entireness and the development of e.g. leadership skills, relational skills, self-leading skills, decision-making, interpretation of roles, development of learning paths etc. is always connected to the entire person, their capabilities, their individuality, their integrity and authenticity.

In my work I focus on four connected levels:

  • the intrapersonal
    what happens inside a person – which thoughts and cognitive patterns, which emotions, how does the person cope and relate with themselves?
  • the interpersonal
    what happens between people – how do people interact, communicate, escalate, collaborate; how do they relate with each other?
  • the context- e.g.: the organisational context
    how is a situation embedded in the structures, processes, strategies, networks and politics of an organisation; how can a person cope with them? Or, for those working on private relations: how is a situation embedded in family structure, in its history, and in its wider contexts like culture?
  • the role
    how is a role defined, in the sense of self and in the awareness of others? which definition authentically 'fits' and allows a person to thrive and develop? how can a person be enabled to fulfil their role? which responsibilities and impositions come with a certain role, which possibilities does it offer?

The settings I offer to work on these topics consist of both 1-on-1 individual sessions and of group settings that allow several persons to grow and learn together. The combination of both settings allows the most intense experiences and processes to happen.

Companies I work for range from global corporations with 300.000+ employes via family-owned SMB's to start-ups.
I work with various sectors (automotive, chemistry, engineering & solutions, healthcare, finance, IT, raw materials, logistics, marketing) and departments (operations, r&d, sales, IT, headquarters, ...).

Individual clients I work with appreciate the holistic approach, being seen in their wholeness. I am experienced working with clients from ceo- to expert-level. Not depending on their position in their organisation, my clients benefit from our work mostly through a personal attitude: a willingness to perceive, engage and 'truely get oneself in'.

If you would like to get into dialogue with some of my alumni to get an impression at first hand, I'll gladly put you in touch with them.

How I do it

Since 2008 I deliver Leadership & Personality as well as Talent Circle & High Potential Development Programs, and work with individual clients.

Leadership & Personality Development Programs

To enable and accelerate the personal growth of a company's key persons I offer Developmental Programs: consecutive group sessions (workshops of 2 or 3 days; 2-4 sessions per year; over the time period of ca. 1,5 - 2 years), ideally combined with individual 1-on-1 sessions between the group workshops.
These Developmental Programs may be tailored at the specific target groups, considering their specific topics and issues as well as the organisations situation and challenges, and the strategic HR developmental goals.

Developmental Programs for key players can also be a major contribution to cultural change and transformation of organisational culture. In case you are interested in these topics, please connect with me and we will specify possible arrangements.

Individual Clients

With individual clients I work on professional and private topics and their connectedness. Frequencies and overall durations will be adapted to individual needs.

The effects reach far beyond what is usually expected of a 'coaching' or 'training' etc - approaching deeper levels and using high-impact methods allows to touch and transform not only skillsets, but also dimensions that are part of the personality itself: emotional patterns, relational patterns, cognitive patterns, patterns of relating with oneself. In these dimensions, personality-focussed work accelerates, enables, deepens development - but doesn't twist the person, does not build an artificial 'masc' around a persons uniqueness; on the contrary, it keeps, explores and unfolds a person's authenticity and essence, it allows the next steps of a person's journey of becoming more and more themselves.

How it works

Depending on pre-agreed goals of collaboration, the focus is set on personal and professional topics and whose connectedness. Sometimes this means developing directly applicable strategies and skills for action, and sometimes it means focussing on deeply personal, relational, emotional topics.

Working in a group setting, I use a variety of methods that derive from both my consulting and my psychological background. In general,my group work has many characteristics of a 'laboratory' - a developmental laboratory, that allows insight, awareness, learning, growth. I follow one of two approaches:

The most important approach is to work on very specific personal issues individuals seek guidance for.
Individual clients choose concrete and specific situations in which they want to proceed or expand their abilities; I provide the methods, techniques and my professional expertise; and together we examine the relevant dimensions of their situations (intrapersonal, interpersonal, organisational, role) and develop possibilities to learn, cope, act, succeed.
This approach of working means we invest into topics maximally relevant to my clients and our work has a massive impact on personal learning and development as on practical usefulness.
Usually, in a group, we work on ca. 4-6 issues a day. It is a reliable experience that all group members profit intensely of the topics brought in by a sample of them.

The alternative approach is to focus on selected and pre-defined topics. On these topics, we work by means of action and interaction, experiences and exercises, simulations and situations, dialogue and exchange, personal reflection and feedback. This way, topic-specific knowledge is personally connected and embedded in action, transforming it into applied knowledge and applicable skills.

One sub-type of Development Programs aiming at a specific target group are Talent Circles and High Potential Development Programs for ongoing, potential or young leaders. While working on specific personal issues serves all levels of seniority, working on pre-defined topics shifts the impact slightly more on 'skills' and can be a viable alternative e.g. for talent circles. Typical topics on which I work with talent circles (beyond 'mastering the basics', 'maps and toolboxes') are

  • personal orientation
    (my identity, my needs, my strategies, my skills)
  • outlining my role
    (stakeholders' expectations, tasks and dimensions of a leadership respectively expert role, personal requirements, organisational networking and politics)
  • leading yourself
    (integrity & authenticity, personal patterns, coping with the 'inner critic' and 'inner resistance' and intense emotions, stress- & performance management)
  • presenting and connecting yourself
    (identifying and communicating your personal 'essence', story-telling, target-group specific communication strategies)
  • leading teams in challenging situations
    (e.g. recently 'new' in the team leading role, agile working, conflict, teams needing skill development, virtual teams, massive transformations & change)
  • understanding team and relational dynamics
    (rank, power and dependencies, social and emotional dynamics in teams, social processing of information, team structure and culture)
  • diversity in cooperation
    (diversity of needs, diversity of values, diversity of potentials – and their implications for leadership and the building of well-performing teams)

Why it works

Personal development happens in the 'media' of awareness and relation. Hence, my focus as a personal developer is on allowing awareness and relation.

The more awareness a person acquires about their emotional, cognitiv, relational, behavioural patterns, the more it is possible to integrate and proceed them, the more it is possible to develop them one step further towards 'what they are meant to be' and essentially are.

This processes of gaining awareness often happens in a constructive, well-disposed relation - thanks to feedback, contact, joint perception, interaction.
Here, an experienced, refined, professional counterpart and companion might make all the difference.

What enables me for my work is that I am at home in both the professional world of organisations (there my primary access is made up of change and transformation projects, that requiere and allow to 'dig deep' into the subsurface layers of organisations) and the world of personal transformation.

I am a psychologist (Diplom-Psychologe, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) and wrote my Diploma about "psychological counselling in situations of intense emotions and in organisations"; and
I am a sociologist (M.A., Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz; former scholar of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) and wrote my master thesis about Norbert Elias' figurational sociology and the interconnectedness of social, psychological and historical processes.

I attended >300 days of advanced training, further education and supervision in a multitude of methods that qualify for my work with individuals and groups:

  • systemic councelling and systemic constellations
    (amongst others with Albrecht Mahr / Institut für Systemische Aufstellungen und Integrative Lösungen ISAIL; Franz Ruppert; Gunther Schmidt)
  • process work and worldwork
    (amongst others at the Institut für Prozessarbeit Zürich; International Association of Process-Oriented Psychology)
  • working with Ego-States
    (aka the 'inner team') (amongst others Woltemade Hartmann and Jochen Peichl; WieTra, Wiesbaden)
  • hypnotherapy und hypnosystemic work
    (amongst others at Milton-Erikson-Institut Frankfurt/Kriftel and Heidelberg; Gunther Schmidt, Ortwin Meiss, and more)
  • body- and trauma-therapy
    (soma and haptic gamma embodyment; WieTra, Wiesbaden; somatic experiencing)
  • mediation and conflict facilitation
    (amongst others at Business Mediation Center; Zweisicht)
  • personality-, development- and ressource- focussed methods, psychodynamic and humanistic approaches (Zist, Penzberg and more)

This multitude of methods enables me to tackle and cope with the whole scope of personal situations and conditions and, depending on the predefined goals of our collaboration, to touch my clients on 'deeper' levels normally not accessible in a typical coaching or a similar procedure. I can draw on these methods as well as on the contents and my experiences from years of leadership training and human resource development - a rare combination, ultimately.

How to begin

Connect with me (by mail or phone, see the page's bottom).
I am based in Wiesbaden (Germany) and València (Spain), and work all over Europe.

Together we might tailor an approach that offers the best fit to your situation and goals.
You might get an outstanding blend of experience, proven quality, connected and applied learning, and state of the art approaches that take effect.